How are CCT and Duv Calculated? IES TM-40

If you look up the definition of Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) in IES LS-1 you’ll find, “The absolute temperature of a blackbody whose chromaticity most nearly resembles that of the light source.”  It seems straightforward.  The spectrum of non-incandescent light sources don’t exactly match a blackbody radiator.  They’ll plot off the blackbody locus in a chromaticity diagram.  A CCT calculation identifies the color temperature closest to the light source in question – that’s the CCT.  We all know that.

Not long ago someone on the IES Color Committee suggested that we develop and issue a standardized CCT calculation.  My first thought was, “What?  Are you saying that after decades of specifying CCT there’s no industry standard calculation method?  What’s going on?”  It turns out that since the late 1930s at least a dozen CCT calculation methods have been developed but none of them have been adopted by a standards setting body like the IES or CIE.   The same is true for Duv, the direction and distance between the chromaticity coordinates of the light source and the nearest point on the blackbody locus.  This means that the method used is up to the LED or equipment manufacturer, and can vary from one manufacturer to another.

Now, for lighting designers this isn’t a problem.  Variations between the calculation methods generally aren’t large (although they can range from less than 1/1000th to several hundred K), and we are selecting LEDs described by their nominal CCT as outlined in NEMA C78.337, not their exact CCT.  Those chromaticity quadrangles are huge, roughly 400 – 500 K wide and over 7 MacAdam ellipses, as shown below. (For lighting designers the problem is the huge variation possible within a single CCT designation, but that’s for another day.)

C78.377 chromaticity quadrangles
NEMA C78.377 Chromaticity Quadrangles for LEDs

But, for LED manufacturers, testing equipment manufacturers, and researchers this can be a real problem.  If two people attempt to precisely measure the same LED and arrive at two different CCTs how would they determine who’s right, or which calculation is “better”?

Now we have an answer.  ANSI/IES TM-40 IES Method for Determining Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) and Distance from the Planckian Locus of Light Sources describes a CCT calculation method with an error of less than 0.1 K that calculates Duv based on the result of the CCT calculation.  While there’s no way to compel anyone to use this method, it is an American national standard developed under the ANSI process, making it the closes thing we have to an industry standard.  Finally.

Retail Design Institute Lighting Summit

On Wednesday, September 25th I’ll be on a panel at the Retail Design Institute New York Chapter’s Lighting Summit 2024.  The other panelists are Shoshanna Segal of Hantranft Lighting Design, Carlotta Dove of IA Interior Architects, and Kazumi Tanimura of Atelier Lumiere.  The event is at the Illuminations showroom at 5 Penn Plaza.  Hope to see you there!

Healing Light at AIA New York

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything because I’ve been working on a new book.  More on that as we get closer to the publication date.  Meanwhile, I’ve been asked (somewhat at the last minute) to speak on Monday June 3rd at an upcoming AIA New York event called Healing Light: The Biological and Social Effects of Lighting.  The presentation will be an introduction to color temperature and color rendering and is primarily targeted at architects and interior designers who are new to lighting.  Registration is free to AIA members and students, and only $10 for the general public.

Upcoming TM-30 Presentations

I’ll be giving two presentations in the next month.

On September 8th I’ll be giving an online presentation to the Raleigh Section of the IES.  Simplifying, Understanding, and Applying IES TM-30 will be from 12:30 to 1:30 eastern.  I’m going to set aside the color science that normally opens a TM-30 presentation to make more time for Annex E and the PVF specification system.  Admission is free.  Register here:

On September 19th and 20th Tony Esposito and I will be presenting Designing with TM-30, our third TM-30 presentation at ArchLIGHT Summit in Dallas, TX.  This 90 minute presentation starts with Tony talking about color science as it applies to TM-30, then I discuss integrating TM-30 into the lighting design workflow, and we wrap up with a 30 minute demonstration of TM-30s capabilities with the best mockup I’ve ever seen (see below for  Tony’s photos of last year’s mockup).  Register here:

TM-30 demonstration showing how varying the SPD, even within a single CCT, affects color appearance.

Back to Basics with ALA

On August 16th I’ll be giving a presentation for the American Lighting Association (ALA) called Back to Basics: Fixtures, Spacing, and Techniques.  Here’s their description.

This course will provide an introductory level overview of common fixture types and how they should be spaced/installed. Downlights, wall washers, wall grazers, under shelf, track lighting, LED fixtures, and small size LED fixtures. Learn with the use of drawings/renderings of proper spacing ratios and angle of focus as well as other critical information. This is a can’t miss information for lighting designers, sales professionals, and installers.

The presentation is online at 12 noon, eastern.  If you’re interested you can sign up here.

AI and the Internet Need to Learn Color Rendering

Recently a colleague of mine from the IES Color Committee asked of one of the new AIs “Tell me about color rendering.”  If we assume that the answer was formulated based on information about color rendering that is available on the internet we have a problem because the answer the AI returned was almost completely wrong.  That strongly suggests that most individuals and manufacturers posting information about color rendering don’t fully understand color rendering and are perpetuating outdated or incorrect information.  Here’s what the AI had to say, and what’s wrong with it’s response.

Color rendering is a measure of how well a light source reveals the true colors of objects. (1) A light source with a high CRI (Color Rendering Index) will show objects in their natural colors (2), while a light source with a low CRI will make objects look dull or washed out (3).  The CRI is a scale from 0 to 100 (4), with 100 being the perfect score (5).  A light source with a CRI of 100 will show objects in their true colors (1) while a light source with a CRI if 0 will make all objects look the same color (6).

The CRI (7) is important for applications where it is important to see objects in their true colors (1), such as art galleries, hospitals, and retail stores (8).  It is also important for applications where it is important to see subtle variations in color such as fashion design and photography (9).

There are a few things that can affect the CRI of a light source (10).  The type of light source (incandescent, fluorescent, LED, etc.) will affect the CRI (11).  The color temperature of the light source will also affect the CRI (12).  Light sources with a higher color temperature will have a higher CRI (12).

The CRI (7) is a valuable tool for choosing the right light source for your application.  By understanding the CRI, you can choose a light source that will show your objects in their true colors (1) and help you achiever the desired look and feel for your space.

  1. Objects don’t have “true” colors, they have apparent colors.  The color of an object is determined by the spectrum of light striking it, it’s reflective properties, and the resulting light directed toward the observer.  An object’s reflective properties don’t change, but the spectrum of light changes every time the light source changes.  Changing the spectrum may, therefore, change the color appearance of the object, hence apparent color.
  2. While there is a correlation between fidelity and naturalness, they are not the same thing.  CRI measures fidelity, i.e. how well a given light source matches the color rendering of a defined reference light source.
  3. One of the problems with single measure metrics like CRI is that there’s a lot of information that isn’t conveyed.  As CRI values drop, the only thing conveyed is that the match to the reference light source is worse.  A worse match, however, doesn’t mean colors are made dull. It could be they are increased in saturation since both deviations from the reference are equally penalized.  That’s the advantage of TM-30.  As Rf decreases we can see why by looking at Rg and some of the other 147 measures.
  4. CRI can have negative values.  TM-30 Rf is calculated so that 0 is the lowest value.
  5. 100 is the highest value.  It’s dangerous to call it “perfect” though as that implies that high fidelity is the only color rendering goal, which it isn’t.  TM-30 provides information for the color rendering goals of preference and vividness, and may include more in the future.
  6. A CRI of 0 will certainly make nearly all colors look terrible and very similar, but not all the same.
  7. CRI isn’t a proper noun, and shouldn’t be preceded by “the”.
  8. There are strong arguments for emphasizing preference over fidelity in many applications, including retail.  Again, fidelity isn’t the only color rendering goal, although it is the only one CRI measures.
  9. Research shows that high fidelity isn’t necessarily the best spectrum for detecting color difference.  Additional research is needed, but the IES may eventually add a color difference metric to TM-30.
  10. Only one thing affects CRI value – the spectrum of the light source.
  11. This is true because different light producing technologies have similar quirks in their spectra.  Those similarities can lead us to blanket statements such as “all fluorescents are green” which are not true for all products.  Again, the individual light source’s spectrum determines everything.
  12. A common misconception, but not true at all.  Not in the slightest. CCT and CRI are separate metrics.

Designing with TM-30

Tony Esposito and I gave four presentations of Designing with TM-30 at this year’s ArchLIGHT Summit.  It was video taped and is now available on Vimeo.  Watch it here.


Update:  One of the attendees sent the following feedback to ArchLIGHT Summit.  “The TM-30 presentation was phenomenal. One of the best lighting presentations that I’ve ever seen. Great work.”

ArchLIGHT Summit and Get A Grip On Lighting

Next month I’ll be at ArchLIGHT Summit in Dallas.  Together with my IES Color Committee co-chair Tony Esposito, we’ll be giving several presentations on how designers can make better use of TM-30 by integrating it into their workflow.  In anticipation of our ArchLIGHT Summit presentation we were interviewed on Get A Grip On Lighting, where we talked about TM-30, color perception, and color rendering, among other things.  You can watch the interview on their web site, or below.